Thursday 2 May 2013

How does your media product represent particular social groups? (Evaluation question 2)

With in our opening sequence the only character that we showed was the main teenage boy character, we have tried to portray him as a nerdy/Gothic teenage boy.
here were the clothes that our character Alex was wearing
we wanted to put the character in dark clothes to create a Gothic look so we used black skinny jeans and a dark red t-shirt.
we show the geek sterotype in the media piece by having the character Alex use the computer not only have we include the computer in the props to help with the representation but we have also used news paper articals in the piece to show the intrest and obsesiveness of the teenage character, these traits are all sterotypical toward nerds like social groups. 

Gender in our pieces seems to be mostly focused on the male teenage boy character.The characters in our media piece can be catergriesinto sterotyped groups which are the unpopular, nerds, goths. we wanter to make this representation by dressing the teen chacacters in the dark coloured cloths which are sterotypical to nerd/gothic stlyle.

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