With in this post I will be analysing two different opening sequences which are of the same type of genre of each other and also of the genre that our group have decided to produce which is a Supernatural Thriller.
Here is the opening sequence to the film The Dead Zone.
the genre of this piece is a Supernatural thriller, though it doesn't seem to give the impression as it seems to mostly just be still pictures of a location. the title is then integrated into the still image on the screen.
there doesn't seem to be much of a story line in this sequence as it is only still images which don't give much information to the audience what the narrative is. which can make it intriguing for the audience, making them think what the story may be about and questioning if the picture have relevance to the film and what type of relevance they hold.
There are no obvious chacters introduced in the opening sequence, which is not uncommon in supernatural thrillers as it makes the audience more interested inteh storyline and questions the characters and there motive when it come to the actual film.
the atmosphere of the piece seems mysterious making the audience question what is going on in the sequence.
The sequence doesnt have a particular setting its just it just still pictures of different outside locations.
The sound make the sequence more mysterious, the non dietetic sound used makes the audience on edge with the use of the mysterious music.
this film is under the genre super natural thriller,though it doesnt seem to hint at the gernre, it feels more like a horror due to the darkness
the narriative of this film in the sequence isnt clear but it shows a woman and children. in the sequence there it uses still images/drawings
tthe charcters in this sequence it doesnt introduce main characters or give the audience much hint to who or what will be going on in the film it just show a woman and two children in drawing form.
the atmoshpere of this sequence ma put the audience on edge wh and makes you question whats going on in teh sequence.
teh picture all seemed to be linkerd in with the house which is shown at the end of the sequence this make the audience wonder how it will be linked in with the film and characters
the sound has an effect on the audience, it makes the sequence mysterious and make the audience wonder about the storyline
Both of thes sequences have used effected sound to help with creating the atmophere of danger and mystery. our opening sequence will need to have good non diegetic sound which can interprete dnager and mystery to the aduience, also teh use of still pictures can be made effective, both of these sequences
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