Monday, 29 April 2013

Logo Design

So its important that our logo can easily be reconised to represent our company well. Our Company name is Sun Bear Productions.

here is the logo which that I had designed
it had the relevnt image of a sunbear linking it to the production companys' name but in the end my logo wasnt choosen to represent the production company and its intitutional logo.

We had decided that we wanted our company logo to be represented by a bear so we all grouped together with ideas for the intitutional logo
here is the logo/image that our group had decided to use for the logo. This was designed by Joe Waters

we found that this picture was too simple so we added our production ame and made some effects on the logo.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Why I looked at Film titles and made Time Lines

I looked at film titles because then I can get an idea  from where names should be placed and also seeing how long a title may be on screen for. Its important not to have a title not to run long enough, it reads to be a correct length of time so the view can read and understand the title. The title length can also signify how important the name or company is to the film.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Analyising two Genre related opening sequences

With in this post I will be analysing two different opening sequences which are of the same type of genre of each other and also of the genre that our group have decided to produce which is a Supernatural Thriller.

Here is the opening sequence to the film The Dead Zone.

the genre of this piece is a Supernatural thriller, though it doesn't seem to give the impression as it seems to mostly just be still pictures of a location. the title is then integrated into the still image on the screen.

there doesn't seem to be much of a story line in this sequence as it is only still images which don't give much information to the audience what the narrative is. which can make it intriguing for the audience, making them think what the story may be about and questioning if the picture have relevance to the film and what type of relevance they hold.

There are no obvious chacters introduced in the opening sequence, which is not uncommon in supernatural thrillers as it makes the audience more interested inteh storyline and questions the characters and there motive when it come to the actual film.

the atmosphere of the piece seems mysterious making the audience question what is going on in the sequence.

The sequence doesnt have a particular setting its just it just still pictures of different outside locations.

The sound make the sequence more mysterious, the non dietetic sound used makes the audience on edge with the use of the mysterious music.

this film is under the genre super natural thriller,though it doesnt seem to hint at the gernre, it feels more like a horror due to the darkness

the narriative of this film in the sequence isnt clear but it shows a woman and children. in the sequence there it uses still images/drawings
tthe charcters in this sequence it doesnt introduce main characters or give the audience much hint to who or what will be going on in the film it just show a woman and two children in drawing form.

the atmoshpere of  this sequence ma put the audience on edge wh and makes you question whats going on in teh sequence.

 teh picture all seemed to be linkerd in with the house which is shown at the end of the sequence this make the audience wonder how it will be linked in with the film and characters

the sound has an effect on the audience, it makes the sequence mysterious and make the audience wonder about the storyline

Both of thes sequences have used effected sound to help with creating the atmophere of danger and mystery. our opening sequence will need to have good non diegetic sound which can interprete dnager and mystery to the aduience, also teh use of still pictures can be made effective, both of these sequences

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Timeline of choosen Genre opening sequence

New line cinema presents

A film by David Fincher

Brad Pitt

Morgan Freeman


Gwyneht Paltrow

Richard Roundtree


John C. Mcgirley

Julie Araskog
Mark Boone Junoir

John Cassini
Reginal E. Cathey
Peter Crombie

Hawthorn James
Micheal Masse
Leland Orser

Richard Partnow
Richard Schiff
Parlnola Tyson

Casting by
Billy Hopkins
Suzanne Smith
Kerry Borden

Music by
Howard Shore

Costume design by
Micheal Kaplan

Edited by
Richard Francis- Bruse

Production design
Arthur MAx

Co producers
Stephen Brown
Nnan greenwald
Sanford Panitch

Co excutive producers
Lynn Harris
Richard Saperstain

executive Producers
Giann Nunnar
Dan Kolsrud
Anne Kapelson

Written by
Kevin walker

Produced by
Arnold Kapelson
Phyllis Carlyle

Directed By David Fincher

Monday, 1 April 2013

Our choosen Genre

Our choosen genre is of Super Nateral thriller.
So in research I have found a number of differnt super nateral themed films.

Here in this sequence it has the theme of super nateral, which is of vampires, the sequence only really introdueces the monsters that will be seen in the film.

The quick camera angles and changes of shots creates interests for the audience keeping them on edge.

These posters all are related to films which are considered to be supernateral thrillers. They seem to have a dark look and sinister look to the posters.