Tuesday 1 January 2013

Independent reseach on Opening film sequences

Im looking at differnt film opening squences so then I can get an idea on where the titles are best place, on adverage how long titles will stay on screen for, what types of fonts are used and how it may relate to the genre of the film and how the sequence may use generic conventions in the sequence to help with the establishment of the genre and the sterotypes tha maybe used in the film.

Within this opening sequence it doesnt particaully give much away about the story line or the characters that maybe used in the film, though the use of the location at the beach and the use of the sea makes the film seem slow and mysterious sequence and this is helped by the use of sound.
I like the titles in this sequence, The use of the tranistion of the titles and the cuts with the sea location makes the viewing enjoyable.

With in this opening it has a super natural theme which is linked to our genre of film that we will be producing, the titles are not integrated in to the film sequence. the quick cuts to each camera shot makes the piece interesting. The atmosphere of the sequence creates danger and scare and the use of the music make puts more effect on the piece by reinforcing the danger with the lyrics that are used.

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