Saturday 30 March 2013

The differnces between Independent and Mainstream

I this post I will be analysing the key differences in both independent and mainstream opening sequences and what effects they have on the audience.

mainstream opening sequences seem to have a more relaxed feel to them, making it easy to watch, making the audience relaxed in the viewing of the sequence. it makes the film easy to understand and follow.

where as with independent films there seems to be more the  fact that the audience has to think about the film and the situation of the story line and characters, making  the film seem more

The Genre for the independent film is thriller. The Tiles are small and seem to be in a professional
font .  The images dont seem to give much away about the film but it also doesnt seem to challenge the viewers thoughts, its an easy piece to watch.

It is aparrant that this opening sequence is from a mainstream film, the titles are well presented and there has been ovbvious thought in the opening sequence. It seems unrealtica and make the viewer intrested in the sequence. The actors names remain on the screen longer than what is on teh independent film, also the production companies logo is has longer screen time than the idependent film.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Why are we doing a remake?

The group and I are making a remake of the openin sequence of  the film Vertigo, we are doing this because we want to gain experence with opening sequences. By  remaking the sequence we are able to establish when certain titles are to be shown  and how long for, and so we can reconise the titles that should be prioritised.

Monday 18 March 2013

Attracting Audiences

It important that we attract audiences in film production. when attracting an audience its important to think about cost. The main way in which we can save money when attracting audiences is by using social networking websites. We are as a group are going to focus on both Facebook and Twitter, as these are free means of advertisement. Also there can be stages of viral ads and campaigns which can help with advertisement.

Also we are going to be using small posters as well to help with the initial awareness of our film.
our production company is Independent so we are  most likely to use below the line advertisement techniques, where we are not using TV advertisement, most probably use a facebook or twitter campaign.

Monday 11 March 2013

Generic conventions

With in films there are usual generic conventions used to help with the introduction of characters and also showing the audience the film genre.

Examples of generic conventions used in film sequences would be:

Action films usually have a fast car chase or fighting scene to get the audience int rested in the story line and keep them entertained. this is an example of an film opening. Iron man doesn't have titles until the end of the clip and that is of the film title.

Romance Films us ally have a sequence where the characters are introduce and their relationships with each other are usually also introduced. In this film sequence it starts with him at war and it goes back on a flash back to before he was at war, the main characters are then introduced.